The final season of Game of Thrones has been broadcast and our favourites have graduated from the Winterfell continent.
Like all graduates,
they are looking for jobs.
We got these resumes in our HR mailbox!
What the *%^?
You don’t believe that Dragon Mother can make resumes, too?
Maybe your resume is not as good as theirs!
Employment winter is coming!
Creative Director Response:
Nice to meet you boss!
Creative Director Response:
Gentle and loyal! Seems like an excellent team player. He would be a valuable asset to our team!
Creative Director Response:
Resilient personality. Perseverance makes a tough designer!
Creative Director Response:
Look, how can our company tell a good story?
Creative Director Response:
Very strong execution ability! It seems like you will battle until the end for our creative ideas to become reality.

Creative Director Response:
What a versatile dragon baby!
After the end of the power game,
the role of the song of ice and fire comes from making a living.
If the role of the song of ice and fire comes to your company for an interview,
Which one would you pick?
Drop us a comment below!
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Creativity. Duty. Honor.